
Showing posts from January, 2019

Life in Motion

What would  a life in motion  look like? What would a life closer to love look like? What would a life closer to peace look like? To move closer to these things we have to move away from hate, away from fear, away from worry. I say a life of love would mean encouraging others. It would mean being aware of someone's faults and flaws, but choosing to focus on their good qualities instead. A life of love would mean 1 Corinthians 13 in action. That chapter sounds lovely, but it's only any good if you apply it. I looked up the definition of motion. We all know it means movement, but I wanted to dig deeper. Some synonyms for motion are: "Agitation, direction, change." When I said a life of love would look like 1 Corinthians 13 in action, I'm sure it stirred up feelings of agitation because that means that you and I have to change.  A life in motion means you are going somewhere. You have a direction. You are not just sitting still. You are acti

The Empty Jar

The jar sat on the counter. Countless people passed by. Not one coin was put in. Day turned to night and the jar remained empty. This jar represented hope. It represented innocence. But the reality was, this jar remained empty. This empty jar held a lesson. It taught me that even if no one else saw the value, to do it anyway. Give others the opportunity to give. It taught me that even if it remained empty, it still held promise. Because my plans were bigger than the jar. They could not and would not be contained. This empty jar held a lesson about people's hearts. Not everyone is giving. Not everyone cares. This empty jar held a lesson about opportunities. Hundreds had the opportunity to give, yet they chose not to. They missed their opportunity to make a difference, but that didn't mean I had to miss mine. This empty jar held a lesson about familarity. People ignore what they don't understand. Not everyone will share your vision. Dream it anyway. The j