
Showing posts from October, 2019

A Surrendered Life

What does a surrendered life look like? I'm doing an online bible study with Laura Story called "I Give Up." She said,  "Surrender isn’t a free fall, it’s more like descending into more capable hands." We often think of surrender as a bad thing. Words like defeat and giving up come to mind, but when we choose to look at what surrender means from God's perspective, it's not only good but a necessary part of growth. As I've been doing the study, a footnote for Psalm 23 from the Passion Translation stood out to me. Instead of just talking about paths of righteousness, it elaborates, saying, "Or “circular paths of righteousness.” It is a common trait for sheep on the hillsides of Israel to circle their way up higher. They eventually form a path that keeps leading them higher. This is what David is referring to here. Each step we take following our Shepherd will lead us higher, even though it may seem we are going in circles." Surrender