What would a life in motion look like?
What would a life closer to love look like? What would a life closer to peace look like?
To move closer to these things we have to move away from hate, away from fear, away from worry.
I say a life of love would mean encouraging others. It would mean being aware of someone's faults and flaws, but choosing to focus on their good qualities instead. A life of love would mean 1 Corinthians 13 in action. That chapter sounds lovely, but it's only any good if you apply it.
I looked up the definition of motion. We all know it means movement, but I wanted to dig deeper. Some synonyms for motion are: "Agitation, direction, change."
When I said a life of love would look like 1 Corinthians 13 in action, I'm sure it stirred up feelings of agitation because that means that you and I have to change.
A life in motion means you are going somewhere. You have a direction. You are not just sitting still. You are actively pursuing more for yourself even though it's painful.
I'll offer this thought: A life without motion has no direction. Maybe you fall into that category. Maybe you've lost the motivation to move. Maybe you think it's no use because you'll be stuck in this place forever.
STOP THINKING LIKE THAT! Today is a new day. You can change! All you have to do is make a choice to move. Don't let the pain hold you hostage. You can rise above this! So, get out of the slump and move. Baby steps are still progress.
Remember little victories become big ones! Next time someone asks you how life is going, don't talk about the mess. Just say, "I'm a work in progress!"

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