
Showing posts from 2017

Book Review: The Awakening of HK Derryberry by Jim Bradford

The Awakening of HK Derryberry by Jim Bradford is a book about a little boy named HK who is blind and has cerebral palsy. His grandmother, Pearl, is raising him on her own after an unfortunate tragedy took the life of his mother. With no one to help care for him, Pearl is forced to bring him to work with her a few days a week. He sits in the diner, hunched over a radio listening to preachers. Most people never do more than glance in his direction. His life is forever changed when Jim Bradford, an older man with a seemingly perfect life, comes into Mrs. Winner’s diner for coffee. These two strike up an unlikely friendship, filled with laughter, love, and countless adventures. HK doesn’t see himself as handicapped; he does things his way. Unlike most people, HK makes even the simplest moments extraordinary. His zest for life and positive attitude are infectious. Young and old are infatuated by his ability to remember things - even the smallest details of things that happen

My Wow Moment

A couple of months ago, I went on an adventure. I wasn't expecting to, but I am so glad I did. Someone told my mom about Duke's Creek Falls. I knew from researching it that it was a short hike. We were told it had a wide path that would easily accommodate my wheelchair. Mama and I started off toward the trail. It was paved. Then, as the paved part ended, I heard Mama say, "There's steps." Sure enough, there were steps. Mama told someone on the trail that I wouldn't be able to do it. A man asked, "Do you want to go on down? I can get Corey to carry her." The man (Michael's dad) and his family started yelling, "COREY! COREY!" He had already run ahead of them. A few minutes passed. Corey came back to the beginning of the trail. Michael's dad told him that I wanted to go on down. "Do you think I could walk the steps, Mama?" I asked. "Let me count them and see. If it's a lot you won't be able to do

A Letter to my College Self

Dear Madison, You are embarking on one of the greatest times of your life. Many will try to discourage you from attending a small college. They say you have many more options, and it’s true. There are many colleges to choose from, but you have to do what’s right for you. You will form lasting friendships over your love of writing. You will push through many days of physical pain, proving to yourself and others that NOTHING is impossible if you just try. Even though you want to finish your degree program in four years, it will take a little longer. But remember, preparation time is never wasted time. This last year will prepare you for your career in ways you never imagined. You will be stretched by creative assignments, even amazing yourself at the work you’ve produced. Don’t worry about the financial aspect of college. It will all be taken care of. You studied and applied yourself throughout high school and it paid off. Scholarships with your name on them will come rolling in on Awa

My 500 Words: A Writing Challenge - Day 31

Today's writing prompt is to write about finishing.  Today is the last day of the writing challenge. There's nothing quite like the thrill of finishing something. I will never forget when I finished college. On graduation day, I could hardly believe it. The day I had longed for was finally here! There were times I didn't think I'd ever finish. So many days my body hurt. So many long nights doing assignments. When I got my diploma, nothing could wipe the smile off my face. I did it. I finished a goal I'd set for myself in spite of adversity.  I finished not only because of my determination to complete my degree and better myself, but also because of my support system. I could not have done it without help from my Mama and Papa. They both took turns taking me back and forth to campus for classes. Graduation was as much a victory for me as it was for them. Even on challenging days, we didn't quit. We stayed the course, and it paid off. I celebrated

My 500 Words: A Writing Challenge - Day 30

Today's writing prompt is to write about innocence. Write about childhood.    Write about ignorance. Innocence is playing outside until dark. Innocence is getting snow cones at the Tropical Sno place that was only open in the summer. I loved the green apple! No one's snow cones have ever compared to these. When I think about innocence, a picture of my niece and nephews faces pops into my head. Their days consist of playing with cars and big rigs, making special deliveries...and often pestering their little sister who just wants to be close to them. Innocence is not knowing about violence. My niece and nephews don't fully grasp how chaotic this world is, and I am thankful. They need to be kids. Oh, how I wish I could go back to the days where every problem was solved with a game of rock, paper scissors.  I remember getting home from school and having a Nutty Buddy that my Papa always kept for us. Childhood for me meant exploring the world around me on the four

My 500 Words: A Writing Challenge - Day 29

Today's prompt is to write about what I do know.  I know that I don't know everything. I do know I have lots to learn.  I know I don't know what tomorrow holds, but I will look forward to it with joy, thankful for another day to be alive. I know some people aren't that fortunate. I don't always have words of comfort in times of crisis. I know I can be there and lend a listening ear.  I don't know why I say some things. I know my tongue can be my greatest weapon or my biggest downfall. I don't know all of my weak areas. I know that I am a work in progress. I don't know why people strive for perfection. Perfection means free from all flaws and defects, and I know I most certainly am not.  I don't know how people perceive me. I know what kind of person I strive to be.  I don't know why some people don't realize they are digging a hole that is deeper and deeper with the words they say. I know if they would be quiet, their life woul

My 500 Words: A Writing Challenge - Day 28

Today's writing prompt is to write my own eulogy. The instructions are to imagine what people would say if I passed away unexpectedly. What would I want them to say? Madison was a vibrant girl who radiated positivity wherever she went.  Born a tiny preemie twin, Madison had a rough start in life, but she never let her disability stop her. She always had a smile on her face.  Madison saw challenges as opportunities. When in physical therapy as a child, she would always ask her therapist, "Am I doing this right?" These difficult times helped shape her into the person we knew and loved.  Madison was a giver. She put others' needs ahead of herself. She was always thinking about ways to help other people, whether that be journals for sick kids or tissues for cancer patients. Her greatest joy came when she could do something for someone else. Madison never settled in life. She forged her own path and did things her way. When others said she couldn't do so

My 500 Words: A Writing Challenge - Day 27

Today's writing prompt is to write about work. Work meant something very different to the older generation. To them, work meant getting up early and working a job that usually required hard physical labor. They worked on the farm taking care of animals before the sun came up each morning. They tilled the garden months in advance to prepare the soil for the seeds.  The women worked, too. They took care of the home and the children, which was a full-time job that demanded their attention at all times. Women also picked the vegetables in the garden and prepared them for canning. That is hard work!  When I was a little girl, I'd help my Granny silk corn from the garden. That meant I would have to take a brush and go over and over the corn until all the fine "hair" was gone. The "hair" was thin yellow strands that you definitely didn't want to eat. Then, Granny would cut all the kernels off the ear of corn. We'd do that over and over until every e

My 500 Words: A Writing Challenge - Day 26

Today's prompt is to write about disappointment. I've been disappointed about things and people many times in my life, but I'm going to share a story that marked me. I was in middle school. It was the time when everyone was invited for sleepovers. I invited one of my friends over and I was SO excited! My mom bought me a new comforter that day. It was light blue with little white daisies. I made sure my room was clean. I wanted everything to be perfect for my friend! After awhile I started asking my mom, "I wonder when Lily(name is changed) will be here? I can't wait for Lily to get here! We're going to have so much fun!" I waited and waited. I never got a phone call. "Maybe Lily's mom is just running late." I couldn't think of another reason why she wasn't here yet. The darkness outside my window let me know it would soon be nighttime. Still no Lily. I crawled into my bed and tucked my clean sheets around me. "I bet

My 500 Words: A Writing Challenge - Day 24

Today's prompt is to cut the fluff. There isn't a specific topic to write about. The only rule is to not use that or very and try not to use adverbs. Ponderings of the Heart If wisdom is better than silver or gold, how much do I have? Are my actions that of a wise person or a fool? Do I keep silent or do I fall into the trap set before me? Am I walking the narrow path, the one less traveled? Have I gotten lazy? Have I strayed from the course I know is right? I say I am generous, but am I withholding things I can give? Do my words fall on deaf ears, yet I still talk and talk, never really helping the person?  I read a passage that says, "He who offends loves strife." Who have I offended today? Even if I didn't realize it, do I love stirring up trouble? I must be thoughtful in the words I choose. It is more important than ever to walk humbly before the Lord.  Do I thirst for knowledge and understanding as much as I do material things?  I can't

My 500 Words: A Writing Challenge - Day 23

Today’s prompt is to write the end of my novel. I am free from the wheelchair and walker. I am walking everywhere, better than ever before. My steps are steady. It’s not a struggle. I am independent, able to take care of myself. Pain is a distant memory. My days are filled with exciting adventures and fulfilling projects. I used to wonder what it would be like to stand tall again. Now I am doing it. Unashamed and unfraid. My latter truly is greater than my past. Nothing holds me back. The sky is the limit to what I can accomplish. I can say without a doubt that my pain didn’t stop me. It propelled me forward. It launched me into what I am doing today. I spend my days sharing my story with people from all over the world. My struggles, my fears…all of it. I share it not from a place of pity, but a place of victory. I share from a place of victory now. I have climbed the mountain of sickness and overcome it. I have climbed the mountain of physical pain and ove