Today's prompt is to cut the fluff. There isn't a specific topic to write about. The only rule is to not use that or very and try not to use adverbs.
Ponderings of the Heart
If wisdom is better than silver or gold, how much do I have? Are my actions that of a wise person or a fool? Do I keep silent or do I fall into the trap set before me?
Am I walking the narrow path, the one less traveled? Have I gotten lazy? Have I strayed from the course I know is right?
I say I am generous, but am I withholding things I can give?
Do my words fall on deaf ears, yet I still talk and talk, never really helping the person?
I read a passage that says, "He who offends loves strife." Who have I offended today? Even if I didn't realize it, do I love stirring up trouble? I must be thoughtful in the words I choose. It is more important than ever to walk humbly before the Lord.
Do I thirst for knowledge and understanding as much as I do material things?
I can't look at the life someone else is living. I have to examine my own heart. I have to look at my own motives. Why do I do the things I do? Why do I say the things I say? My prayer is "Create a clean heart in me, Lord. Renew a right spirit within me."
I know I don't always do the things Jesus would do. I don't always have the right attitude. Help me, Lord, to surrender to you every day knowing that Your ways are better than mine. Help me to trust You to direct my steps. Help me to be quiet when I know it would do no good to say anything. When my words won't help someone or encourage them, they don't need to be said.
What areas am I failing in? What can I change? I know I can be kinder. The Bible says, "A soft answer turns away wrath." I know this, but am I practicing it? I want it to become second nature, but I haven't gotten there yet.
I am thankful for patience and mercy. It seems like I am tested in these areas every day. I am learning to overlook things that would have bothered me in the past. People are human. Even if I don't agree with something they said or the way they said it, I realize they are not me. They are not going to talk like me. Their words may come out a little differently, but they mean well. If they didn't care, they wouldn't bother to say anything at all.
I am thankful for every new day because it is a day I get to try again. If I messed up yesterday, I can do better today. There is no time like today to love deeper and be kinder. I've noticed the more I love others, the more peace and joy I have in my life. You know why? If I'm loving others, I won't have time to be critical. I won't have time to point out their flaws. When you feel the urge to lash out in anger, I challenge you to respond in love instead. You'll be surprised how the situation changes!

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