Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Drama.... It's Everywhere

People gravitate towards drama. We had an interesting discussion in one of my classes about how violence on TV affects one’s perspective. I believe it affects people because they become fearful of murders, being robbed, or some other vicious act. Gerber, the man behind the Cultivation Theory, made an interesting point when he said that the media becomes the social storyteller. In other words, they tell people what to think or believe. He also said that people start to believe what they see on TV is the reality in real life. No wonder this happens. People become desensitized to violence because it’s on several TV shows.

I’ve thought about another avenue that drama has crept in—blogs. Twists and turns are a part of life, which means it’s inevitable. What I’ve found interesting is people’s reactions to drama compared to everyday life. Think about it. There’s no denying that people get more comments and views per posts when there’s drama involved. Yes, I've often wondered why people feel compelled to read about certain bad things. It's like they love the drama of it all and everything else fades into the background. If people didn't love drama and be curious to see what happens next, there wouldn't be countless dramas flooding our TVs each night. Like Kelly's Korner (_______ insert blogger name here). Not many people read before Harper was born, and now her blog has exploded.

I think we as humans thrive on excitement and unusual things. Some people don’t want every aspect of life to be predictable. I think there’s just something about the unknown that draws people in because their emotions get involved, then they’re hooked. They need to know what happens next.

I don’t know about you, but when you’ve experience just how quick life can go from peaceful and calm to distress and utter confusion in mere seconds, you appreciate predictability. You crave “normalcy”. I put normal in quotes because what is normal? Who is normal? While you may not have a physical disability, you might have a crooked nose or be a bit discouraged by your appearance. The point is no one is normal. Growing up being a little different caused me to see things differently, which led me to question things. I’ve come to understand that each one of us defines what is normal. You might have a family of six with a dog. That’s normal. A cousin might have glasses. That’s normal. You might love being an artist and loathe sitting behind a desk. That’s OK. It’s normal. We’re all created with different desires and likes/dislikes, but at the end of the day, we all have one thing in common. We’re human. We could see a musician, a nurse, and an executive in the street thinking they have absolutely nothing in common, but they do. We all feel the heartbeat of America each day. Whether it’s the slow whir of a mixer or the soft hum of jazz music in the background, these things work together to create a diverse and beautiful culture that is filled with things that drive our passions each day.

*I just think people need to realize that pain is real and behind every blog is a human person with feelings, problems. I also know that some people read because they're genuinely concerned*.

What are your thoughts? Do you think Americans thrive on drama?


Jessica said...

What a great post! You are so right- every blog is written by a very real, imprefect person. We need to remember that what people put on their blog is only about 10% on their actual life. Great insight!
Thanks for the curly hair comment! : ) Made my day!

Kelly Loy Gilbert said...

I think so--people do thrive on 'drama.' At least, peoples' interest does. But I think living like that all the time would be too exhausting.

I'm a writer, too, and I've found that I enjoy reading books that are 'quiet,' and focus more on the everyday, than fast-paced crime novels or suspense-driven type stories, and I try to write that way, too. But it's hard! I think you're right and that people just aren't as interested a lot of the times if something isn't 'happening.'

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