Saturday, December 26, 2009

A Different Kind of Christmas

I just finished Christmas Eve with my Dad's side of the family. I went to my Granny and Papa's Christmas Eve breakfast and rested in between.


Christmas is different when you get older. No more Santa to anticipate. I guess I'm having a hard time adjusting. Opening gifts becomes somewhat familiar. Don't get me wrong, Christmas is still special, it's just special in a different way. It's a time with family instead of a mound of gifts. It's the smiles of cousins when their faces light up instead of a toy making a noise. Toddlers laughing and running around is replaced by jokes and countless pictures.

Grandmothers getting out the video camera is replaced by a favorite TV show. Change isn't a bad thing, it just takes a little getting used to. Mama said that this feeling is normal. She said things would change when I have my own kids. I'm laughing to myself just thinking about that one. Oh, the fun times ahead.

I got lots of fun gifts. I may post pictures soon. I'm incredibly blessed. I guess I'm just mourning what Christmas used to mean. But, instead of that, I should be embracing the new Christmas. I have to say I was elated watching my cousins find pleasure in opening their gifts from me. I love to give things to others. I love picking out just the right gift for my cousins and family.

I know one thing that will never ever change. God's love and sacrifice will be forever etched in my memory. He gave the ultimate gift, not some $20 cookie cutter gift from Wal-M@rt. He, too, took great care and thought in his gift. He didn't make a hasty decision or expect anything in return. As today's society rushes around standing in long lines to find a gift, phones constantly buzzing. That buzz can overshadow Christmas if we let it. That buzz symbolizes a barrier between the meaningful things and the things that couldn't matter less if we really stop and think about it. That business call that could wait until Saturday. That pesky telemarketer...

So, how has Christmas changed for you over the years?


BK said...

Christmas does change with time, or what it means to us does. My value of times spent with family at Christmas has increased due to the loss of family members. My first married Christmas changed it too, it was just so special in a new way. I loved this post!

Jillian said...

Well I know what you mean about Christmas but the reason I celebrate was never about Santa is was about family and Jesus!! SO I am truly blessed to be able to share that with my daughter and future children!! I do know what you mean though:)

Charming Wife said...

Christmas definitely changes as you get older! You're right, there's always the nostalgia of past memories, but the new ones are fun too! It truly does become a time to spend with family members and to remember the reason for the season!

Shannon said...

Yes, things do change. It sounds like you have your priorites right & focused on the right meaning.

It is so not about what we can give or receive, but the birth of someone who is far more magnificent than we are, even though we are created in His imagine. The debt He paid we can never repay.

If you have been reading my blog recently, this will come as no surprise: spending time with love ones & letting them know how you feel about them is how we should all be spending are time everyday, not just on a holiday.

Christmas has changed for me as each year passes. I am glad that it is not like it was when I was little, with one exception - I miss loved ones who are no longer here & do wish that I had that sense of family again.

As I said, I am glad it is different for me now, it is not about material things, but gifts more priceless that can not be bought...

I just wish I knew then what I know now, I would have not taken things for granteg like I did as a child.


Q, La, and Gooner said...

This was my first Christmas as a parent (she was in the womb last Christmas which was entirely special in its own way) and it was AWESOME. Seeing her excitement at Elmo and other gifts was soooooooooooo exciting.

In This Wonderful Life said...

glad you had a good Christmas!

tam7777 said...

Holiday's change, people change, relationships change. One thing I know change is good--it may not seem good to start with but it is. It's part of maturing.

The Blonde Duck said...

Christmas doesn't change for me, but it changes for everyone else. I find it harder and harder to find people who love the joy of Christmas, other than children and old people. More and more, it seems like an obligation or reason to put on airs and just buy stuff to most people. I have to watch Miracle on 34th street and Muppet Christmas Carol to feel better. :)

Gwen said...

Christmas totally changes over time. But it's always changing. Now we enjoy Christmas watching the kids and teaching them the reason we celebrate. Beautiful tree too!!! XOXO

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