Thursday, July 13, 2017

My 500 Words: A Writing Challenge - Day 15

Today's prompt is about expectations concerning this writing challenge.

Today is the halfway point. It has been fun, but it's been challenging this week because I haven't felt the best.

One thing I've liked about this challenge is the accountability. I can count on the writing prompt to be in my inbox by 9 am, and I am excited to see the challenge for that day.

It has also opened my eyes to moments that I might have otherwise missed and not appreciated. Taking time to write each day has sparked my creativity. That is one of the reasons I joined this challenge, so I am thankful for that.

As a result of this challenge, my attitude is better. I wake up everyday more thankful than the last because I have a really, really good life! The things that I used to see as inconveniences don't bother me as much anymore.

I am also trying to be more patient with other people. I am working on listening to others more so that I can glean from their wisdom and experiences. I know the best writing often comes from interactions with others.

I am also making a conscious effort to live in the moment. I am embracing life and all of the things that make me happy. I am choosing to celebrate people and their unique qualities, even with they frustrate me.

I expected the words to come easier for this challenge. I knew some days would be hard, but I wonder why some topics make it hard for me to write five hundred words? Maybe it's the wrestling with words that makes someone a better writer? Sometimes you have to fight to make sure the words get out the way you intend them to. I like to think this challenge has made me a better writer because it's forced me to write about different topics than I normally would.

"Your writing voice is the deepest possible reflection of who you are. The job of your voice is not to seduce or flatter or make well-shaped sentences. In your voice, your readers should be able to hear the contents of your mind, your heart, your soul." This quote by Meg Rosoff spoke to me. My words aren't always polished, but I can promise you they will be real. A friend of mine said she could tell exactly who I was from my writing, and that is my goal. To share pieces of myself with other people, but also discover something about myself and the world in the process.

I think this challenge has helped me write just to write. I haven't had an agenda. My plan for the thirty one days of writing was simple: Focus and observe.

What did I see?

What did it make me feel?

What thoughts did/DO I have as a result?

This challenge has stretched my mind and emotions. Getting my thoughts focused around one idea or two in the midst of doing life has been a good thing.

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