Saturday, July 04, 2009

Fourth of July

Fireworks and laughter fill the air

Family and friends gather around the table that covered in delicious food and scrumptious desserts
The grandparents reminisce about times gone by, with the familiar chirping of crickets nearby

Kids wait in anticipation, their breathing barely above a whisper, for the firework to make a beautiful display in the sky

The older kids are allowed to stay up past their bedtime to join in the fun that happens at dusk

As the first firework makes a loud "Boom, Crack, Pop", the people across the street let out a piercing scream

All of these sounds come together, a chorus of different sounds that come together to make one beautiful sound

What sound is it you ask? The sound of freedom

As you celebrate with your families, remember our troops that risk their lives daily for our freedom

Whether you're celebrating with a barbecue or a picnic, we've all come together for a common cause


Black, White, Hispanic--it doesn't matter We're blessed to live in America.

Each time you take your little baby to the grocery store, you're not thinking about someone bombing the store--don't take that for granted

American soldiers would give anything to accompany their wife and child to the grocery store

Each time your teenager goes bowling with his friends--don't take that for granted

Soldiers don't get much down time, they have a 24/7 job

Each time you get in your car to go somewhere--don't take that for granted

The American soldiers have to watch every step they make for fear of a roadside bomb

Each time you get to go to school--don't take that for granted

The Iraqi children would love to have the opportunity to dread homework

Happy 4th!

Image credit: Google


Girly Stuff said...

We are camping - not glamping- this weekend!

Hope you and your mom had a good fourth!

That was not a fake ficus in the red room...but an honest to goodness real live tree her mom has brought up from a baby.

The Blonde Duck said...

I hope you had a good 4th!

That pie is easy. Stir, dump, freeze, eat.

Anonymous said...

Great 4th of July post, and so true and great to remember the things we take for granted sometimes, like our freedom!

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