Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Just a Little Bit More

This may not mean much to anyone else, but I can almost reach my toes!!

I had to have a spinal fusion almost two years ago--my back was broken. That's another post. An average person would be able to bend again in three months, not me. Everything was going good until I had another health problem that caused me to be in the bed the majority of the time.

Since then, I've been practicing bending for months. I can only do it once or twice before it starts hurting. That's been the problem all along, when I would get to a certain point, I couldn't bend down any further. I expressed my frustrations to my physical therapist, and he nodded and said, "It will take some time." Keep working on it." I knew what he was going to say, but I still feel better if I hear it out loud.

I was in the shower the other night when I dropped my razor. I usually have to call Mama, but I usually try to bend anyway just to stretch it. Well, this time I bent down and I went a little further, a little further, until I had passed the place that it usually hurts. I couldn't believe it, after months and months of practice, I'm almost able to do it!

My mom has been the one who's had to help me get my pants and shoes on. I always tease her and say, "I know you'll be glad when I can do this!" She just laughs and finishes helping me get ready.

I always think to myself, "I'LL be glad when I can do this!



Sassy Engineer said...

That is so great! I'm so sorry that you had to have a spinal fusion - it just sounds painful. I really appreciate your joyful spirit, and I'm so glad you were able to push yourself a littl further. Baby steps!!! I'll keep you in my prayers that you'll soon be touching your toes all the time with no pain :)

The Blonde Duck said...

Cool collage!

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