Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dear Madison at 13

I saw this on Wearing Mascara's blog and decided to take the challenge. Write a letter to your younger self at age 13 that includes 10 things you would tell yourself if you had the chance.


You're just starting middle school. It's a stepping stone from little girl to woman. Little do you know about the road that lies ahead of you. Life is too precious to have petty fights with your best friend.

Let me give you some advice:
  • Don't worry about the people that tease you; they're just jealous.

  • Even when you think no one will help you, look again. The person you least expected will be standing there.

  • Don't be so nervous about going to a new school. Everyone's nervous.

  • Be true to yourself. Ten years from now it won't matter if you wore name brand clothes or not.

  • Keep working hard. In a couple of years, everyone will wish they have your work ethic.

  • Keep smiling when you walk into school. It' doesn't matter if they smile back. You never know much that small act of kindness could mean to someone.

  • Don't pay any attention to the kids that think you've got it easy just because you get to leave early. They have no clue what you have to deal with on a daily basis.

  • Continue to love with all your heart. Your geniune gestures are one of the things people will admire most about you.

  • Take time to laugh. Don't get so consumed with school work.

  • Have fun! Time passes quickly.


Madison at 19

What would you write about? Would it be about boys, friendships, etc?


BK said...

I don't even remember much about 13. Is that awful?!?

Jessica said...

Thanks for stopping by! Cute blog!

shelley said...

What a wonderful post and what wonderful thoughts you wrote down. In hindsight it is much easier to look into the past then actually deal with things in the present but take that list and apply it to your life today, which i am sure you do! you sound like a wonderful and beautiuful young lady! your parents should be proud and you should be proud of yourself!

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