An Empty Seat at the Table

Sorry I haven't written much. Life has been crazy. My grandmother passed away from covid pneumonia on September 9, 2021.

Today I feel like I can finally write something that has been on my heart since that week.

An empty seat at the table

I look around and you're not there
Bustling about making sure everyone is taken care of

We are all gathered around the table that we've shared so many meals at, so many laughs
But there's an empty seat at the table

It's the seat you should be in
You should be here
But you're not and it's not fair

My heart aches at the thought of all the things you'll miss
The emptiness I feel is too big for words
Sometimes all I have are tears

But tears won't fill that empty chair
Tears won't bring you back

I just pray that every day we have left we continue to make you proud
By loving a little deeper
And speaking a little sweeter to those around us

Like the preacher so beautifully said at your funeral, you embodied Galatians 5:22...the fruits of the Spirit

You gave until you couldn't give anymore
All to see smiles on our faces

So the torch has been passed to us
Now we have to do the same and more
To leave this world and the people in it and little better than we found it

I love you beyond words, Memaw!

My Signature


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