Graduation means you have reached a new height. The sky is the limit. The only barrier to your progression is yourself. You can graduate to a new place, yet be stuck because of mindsets and old patterns of thinking.
Graduation means advancement. It is a stepping stone on the path of greatness. Just because you've accomplished something doesn't mean you stop pursuing growth.
Lest you forget, you can't graduate without the help of others. All during life, people have planted seeds in you. As time passes, you meet other people who water them. You see yourself differently. Graduation also means improvement. You've adapted and adjusted so much you might feel like a rubber band that is about to break. Guess what? You didn't. You've bent and writhed under the pressure. You've tried to hide from time to time.
Look around! You made it. You finished something. You are not the same person you were before this time. All of life's experiences have made you stronger, kinder, wiser, smarter. You are more patient. You realize that anything worth having takes time and hard work. And you will take these lessons with you as you graduate to the next phase of life. Teenager. Young adult. Career. Marriage. Mother. Father. Graduating means using these building blocks to propel you further than you ever thought possible.
Graduate to greatness! I dare you.
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