Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Freewriting Day 11: Through the Eyes of Love

If I looked at you through the eyes of love, I would swallow my pride
If I looked at you through the eyes of love, I wouldn't judge
If I looked at you through the eyes of love, I would see all of your broken pieces

Love makes you whole
Love is unrelenting
Love covers

In my quest to really see you, I would see that my love wouldn't be enough
I'd have to mix it with grace and mercy

If I looked at you through the eyes of love, I would release all of the hurt
If I looked at you through the eyes of love, I would see that you did the best you could with what you had

If I looked at you through eyes of love, I wouldn't scrutinize everything
I wouldn't pick apart every word you ever said
If I looked at you through eyes of love, my own shortcomings would be revealed
I wouldn't be high on some pedestal; we'd be equal

I've done things I'm not proud of. I've let anger rule me instead of love.

If I looked at you through eyes of love, I'd tear down all the barriers
Break down every wall
If I looked at you through eyes of love, I would realize love just wants a way in
If I looked at you through eyes of love, I would be whole again

Love searches for the good
Love believes the best

Lord, help me to look at you through eyes of love
Help me to give love even when it hurts

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