Friday, November 13, 2009

New Feature!

I wanted to do something to honor the immensely talented bloggers out there while still staying true to my passion which is writing. I've racked my brain for weeks for the perfect feature, and I think I've come up with one that's pretty close.

Writer's Alcove will be a weekly post that features a blog that's creative funny, unique, inspiring and everything in between. I'll post a little bit about their blog along with some questions that aren't normally asked of writers.

I also want this to be a place that I can spotlight some blogs that my readers love. If you know anyone who should be featured, write me an email and I'll check them out! This is supposed to be fun, so any and all emails will be read and considered.

What are you waiting for?! Tell who you must read each morning!


Jillian said...

I am still not getting your updates, but I am tried again so maybe this time it will work! What is this new feature all about??

Gwen said...

Such a good idea!!! I read through my reader every morning so I don't have one favorite by any means. You all are my favorites. :) XOXO

The Blonde Duck said...

Queen Bitty says I should be featured. She has no couth.

The Longest Goodbye

This is what I said it felt like when describing what we have gone through with my grandmother. For four years, we've watched her slip a...