Weekend Recap

I regret not being able to post these last few days. I had a really rough weekend. I was just trying to make it, you know? Even though this weekend wasn't the greatest, I went to bed believe today would be better day. I'm having to constantly remind myself what the Word says about my situation because I know nothing good ever comes from being negative. That's easier said than done, but God promised his grace would be sufficient through it all.

We had a small graduation party for my brother this weekend. He graduated from an electrical lineman program, and although it was a short program, he learned some invaluable skills. The whole family is proud of him.

This is a picture of all of the cousins together, which is rare because I'm not usually able to come.

The fun isn't over yet! We have my other grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary coming up this weekend. I'm sure it will be great. What did you do this weekend?


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