Daily Challenge: One Thing I Love About Myself

Today is day two of the daily challenge of writing about one thing I love about myself. One thing I love about myself is my ability to empathize with others. Empathy isn't to be confused with sympathy. Sympathy is when you feel pity for someone. Empathy means I feel for other people who have walked similar paths to me.

I empathize with people who have had multiple hospital stays.
I empathize with people with disabilities.
I empathize with people in wheelchairs.
I empathize with people who deal with depression and anxiety.
I empathize with people and families who have gone through divorce.

 My heart goes out to them because I've been there. I know the struggle. Because of that, I try to offer encouragement and just listen.

Too many people talk these days. They talk and talk, telling everything they know. People rarely take the time to listen. And even more rare, people hardly ever listen to understand.

I want to listen to understand so I can grow as a person. I don't want to live life in a bubble.

What's one thing you love about yourself?

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