I'm going to find one thing I love about myself each day. I think I will write about it here each day for a week.
One thing I love about myself is my determination. Some people even say I have a gift of determination. One thing is for sure. I don't know where I'd be if I wasn't determined.
I know I would still be bedbound and sick. Without determination, I wouldn't have graduated high school, let alone college.
Without determination, I wouldn't have overcome my many surgeries and seasons of physical therapy. Wthout determination, I'd be lost. I would have no motivation to try and work harder. Without determination, I would have settled for status quo living, never challeging myself or the limitations others tried to put on me.
I have gone through many trials with an unflinching determination. The things that were meant to break me only made me stronger. I have been through the fire, but instead of letting it consume me, it has purified me. It has given me clearer vision and a desire to help others. The fire has shaped my story. It has molded me into the person I am today.
My determination to not quit has only intensified the more I've endured. Like one of my surgeons said, "Most people who have gone through what you have would have already given up."
I'm not most people. What's one thing you love about yourself today?

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