Saturday, April 13, 2019

Where Are You?

What happened to the girl who hung upside down on the monkey bars while wearing AFOs?
What happened to the girl who laughed every time she fell down?

I know that girl is in there somewhere
She may have been buried by pain
As she faced setback after setback
And too many changes to count

But today is a new season
I am not there anymore

Where is that firecracker?
Where is that sassy girl?

Don't hide anymore.
I need you.
I need my whole self, not just pieces.


Lately, I've had to fight to keep my joy

As I was walking, my body felt like it was being pulled in a million directions
Every step, left right. Left right.

The only way I can describe it is I felt like a puppet on a string
Each time I took a step, I had to fight my body to get it to go where I wanted it to go


I'm writing this to remember today. I'm reminding myself, "Tough times don't last. Tough people do."

My Signature

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your authenticity Madison!!!

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