“You’re going to be the next Joyce Meyer.”
“You remind me of Kathryn Kuhlman.”
“You need to be a teacher.”
“I see you painting.”
These are all things I’ve heard throughout my life. If you notice, all of these statements have one thing in common: They are what other people see for my life. Everyone has an opinion on what they think you should be doing.
The problem with this is NONE of these are what God says about me. We’ve been talking about identity at Rejuvenate Church and who we are in Jesus.
I had a conversation with God a few days ago. In the Bible, Ishamel was born before Isaac, the child God had promised Moses. Ishmael was born because Moses’ wife got tired of waiting for the child God promised she would have. I refuse to settle for a counterfeit dream! This is a dream that someone else has for me.
I refuse to fit in a box that someone else thinks I should be in. Very few times has anyone said, “I see Madison. Be you! That is enough.”
I’m not meant to be the next great anyone. God has a purpose for me. I’m meant to be the greatest version of MYSELF, and you are, too!

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