Be the miracle when it’s uncomfortable. In fact, miracles happen in uncomfortable places. They don’t happen when everything is rosy. They happen when things are the hardest when you are pushed to your breaking point.
Being the miracle for someone else will cost you your life. What does being a miracle look like? Laying your life down. Giving when it hurts. Showing up even though nothing seems right.
What does it take to get a miracle? Faith and trust.
Same for BEING one! Be means to prevail or endure. It means staying in the fight no matter how many rounds it takes. To be the miracle for someone else means to show the person what’s possible when you choose to not give up. You may get knocked down, be bruised and bloody, but you are still standing. You are still breathing.
You are a miracle because you refused to take no for an answer. You looked at the wall before you and found a way to climb it. Then, you helped others find their way over the wall, too.
That’s what being a miracle looks like! I’m not going to wait for a miracle. I’m going to realize I AM a miracle in the midst of the mess! I encourage you to do the same.

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