Everything makes sense. Frustrate means to prevent a plan from progressing, succeeding, or being fulfilled. I was telling my mom I didn't know if she had noticed but I'd gotten my joy back in an area of my life when I STOPPED trying to control everything. I was frustrating the grace of God in my life....AGAIN and didn't even realize it!
I couldn't let God do His job because I was too busy trying to do it. I was getting overwhelmed and frustrated trying to fix things and fill in holes I had no business messing with.
Have you done that? Scratch that. We all have. Have you done it recently? Are you tired, overwhelmed and angry about a situation that is beyond your control? Here's some advice. STOP. Stop trying to fix things. You can only do so much. Let God handle it!
God sees everything. He sees you doing more and more, yet it doesn't seem to make a difference. He wants to help. It's what He does best. He can't help you out of your situation unless you let Him. God's grace is readily available. Don't prevent progress or success by getting in God's way.
All of your efforts will leave you tired and defeated. You've tried it your way and it hasn't worked. Let God's grace cover you and your troubles.

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