Sunday, July 16, 2017

My 500 Words: A Writing Challenge - Day 18

Today's prompt is to write about a time in my life that I've had to wait. I saw that and laughed. I laughed because my whole life I've had to wait. 

I've waited on test results - not knowing when I'd ever feel better.

I've waited on surgeries many, many times. I wait for the surgery day to get here, and then I wait for the surgery to begin. Waiting happens in phases. We are always starting and stopping something.

I've waited on insurance to pay for things I need - only to be denied and have to submit again and again.

I've waited for appointments with specialists.

I've waited for x-rays.

I've waited for pain medicine to start working to relieve hours of physical agony.

One thing about waiting is it forces you to slow down. You have to just sit and find ways to pass the time. Sometimes I find a magazine to read, but most times I will try to strike up a conversation with someone around me.  I wonder why they are there. What are they waiting for?

Waiting has taught me the meaning of patience. I know there is no magic wand to move me to the head of the line, so I might as well enjoy the wait. That is hard. Waiting tests your body and mind. Waiting means that you have to stay still.

The hard part about waiting is you can't see evidence of anything happening. The clock steadily ticks on as seconds turn into minutes and minutes turn into hours. Waiting can cause lots of frustration because you want to be moving forward, doing something. But it seems like your stuck. Waiting can make it seem like the promise is delayed. You may think that thing you have longed for might never come. 

Be still. In the midst of the waiting, quiet your thoughts. Refuse to listen to those voices of doubt and fear. 

Know that life does happen while you wait. You are growing while you wait. You learn many things while waiting. Don't miss those opportunities that come only through waiting. Many times you don't appreciate things you get instantly. You are more thankful for the things that were put on hold.

Like I said in earlier post, "Delay is not denial." Just because you are waiting on something to happen doesn't mean it won't happen. It make take a while, but don't lose hope. Waiting can cause discouragement. Another way of looking at the word discouragement is without courage. Don't let the waiting period rob you of your courage to persevere through the tough times. 

When people talk about waiting, they often associate it with bad things. Part of the definition is being inactive while waiting for something. Yes, you don't move while you wait, but there's a good reason for that. You have to stay put so you will be ready when your name is called. Stay alert while you wait! Better things are coming. Wait and see! 

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