Summer time is like no other. While people still have to work, there is a relaxed atmosphere. Everyone savors those cool breezes that come at dusk.
Kids dream up games and spend almost every waking moment playing as the sun envelops them with its warmth. Laughter is more crisp. Gardens abound with fresh vegetables.
Gone are the days of monotonous school work. Calenders are quickly filled up with family barbecues, birthdays, and lake time.
Summer is measured in laughs instead of seconds on a clock. Sometimes I wish I could bottle up that carefree feeling and reopen it when things become hard.
Living rooms are turned into imaginary forts complete with a table and chairs.
In the South, we fall asleep to the chirp of crickets and birds. The lake offers fun in the sun while cooling off. Kids beg parents to bring out the water slides and sprinklers. I don't know about you but a slip-n-slide is a must in the South. Adults compete against the kids to see who can go the farthest. Some end up with bruises and scrapes, while others have bruised egos.
What are some things you love about summer?
P.S. Welcome to all my new followers! If you have any questions, please ask!
Yeah, summer is a special time. There are so many memories from summers in the past I have that I can almost see and hear and feel. Recently, however, the summers haven't felt quite as special as they did when I was younger...it's strange.
i love love love summer, always have and have some great summer memories as a camper listening to chirping birds...
thanks so much for popping by and the sweet bday wishes!
hope you are staying cool, well i guess that's a bit hard in the south but here's hoping lol
I don't think there's anything I don't like about summer!
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