Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Memories Rewind: More than a Cheeseburger

Granny took my brother and I to McDonald's for cheeseburgers. After eating, we made a beeline for the playground.

Climbing ever so carefully into the maze of twists and turns, I had made it. The fun awaited me on that huge yellow slide.

"Wee!" I shouted as I slide down to the bottom. No one was around so we had the place to ourselves. As I breathed heavy because of running countless times around the playground, I climbed up that ladder like a pro. Granny got her money's worth that day! E had caught up with me inside, so we went down together. Giggling as we slid faster and faster, we were met with an....unexpected surprise.

The homeless man that was often seen wandering around town was at the bottom of the slide. I was terrified! His scraggly beard was too much for me. "You kids keep it down in there!"

I didn't wait for him to finish. I scrambled up that slide crawling over the sea of arms and legs as I went. McDonald's wasn't the place for grumpy old men. By the time we came back to our table, he had disappeared, but that was definitely the day McDonald's left us with more than a cheeseburger!

Do you remember a time when you were met by an unwelcome visitor?


tam7777 said...

Sure do the day I went to open a cabinet yrs ago. I was opening my cabinet door to get my mop solution and I just happened to look and low and behold there was a snake looking at me. I screamed bloody murder. Went and got and ax --cut the things head off. This visitor was not welcomed at all.

Mary Patterson said...

Yes, I do! (Sorry this is so long.)Several years ago I went to a movie one afternoon by myself, something I had never done, but my hubbie was out of town and I really wanted to see this 'chick flick.' I sat several rows from the back in the small theater on the second seat in from the aisle, with my purse in the seat beside me, but with my arm through the strap.

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, several minutes into the movie, I saw movement in the aisle beside me. I turned quickly and stood up with my purse and saw a man on the floor about 6 feet from me. I said loudly, "What are you doing?!" "Oh, I dropped my lighter and it rolled down here," he said awkwardly. "Sure,' I said, "who takes a lighter out in the movies!" I walked quickly to the opposite end of the row and sat down just to catch my breath. I could hardly breathe and my heart was racing.

As tears started down my cheeks, I realized he was probably trying to take my purse, not knowing my arm was in the strap. I was shaking so bad, and knew I had to leave, but first I went to talk to the manager. He was really apologetic and so kind. He got me some water and a free ticket and let me sit until I calmed down. In the meantime I gave them a description as best I could, remembering the dark theater. He confided in me that there had been several such attempts in the last few months and they really were trying to catch the man. Of course, by this time he was long gone, out some back door probably. The manager walked me to my car. I was never so glad to get home ... and never again would I go to a movie alone!

The Longest Goodbye

This is what I said it felt like when describing what we have gone through with my grandmother. For four years, we've watched her slip a...