Moving On

I haven't updated on my health because I haven't thought it was necessary. I also don't want this blog to be all about pain.

I just had another visit to the pain clinic on Tuesday. They have done all that they know to do basically. I'm also reaching the age that I need to be at an adult pain clinic. I'm not sad about this at all because everyone involved agrees that we need at fresh perspective on my situation. It's also good to take an active role in your recovery and not be passive.

Things have been at a standstill for awhile, but everything has a way of working out. These new doctors could know just the thing to help me, so change can be good. I've been having trouble with my IT (also known as iliotibial) band, but I'm still going to school. My goal is to add another class to my schedule for this spring. If I'm not able to, it won't be the end of the world. Mama keeps reminding me that it's ok if it takes me five years to finish school. I keep telling myself that it just matters that I finish, not when I finish.


BK said…
Yes, who cares if it takes a bit longer! Hope you find a new MD you like!

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