Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

I don't have a sentimental Father's Day post. Unfortunately, he hasn't been too involved in my life. I would love him to be, but he isn't.

Without going into too many personal details, I don't fit in when I go over there. He has a temper. Enough said. He overreacted at Thanksgiving, so we haven't spoken because he always has something negative to say.

Sometimes in life you have to be the bigger person. I sent him a card for Father's day. Even though our relationship isn't the best, I thought I could at least acknowledge him. It wasn't one of those sappy cards that say, "Thank you for teaching me the value of a dollar...." because he didn't. I picked out a simple card and sent it.

Since he can't talk to me without bringing up something childish, I haven't had the chance to tell him that he's welcome to see me anytime. You know what? There's only so much I can do. At the end of the day, I can only change myself. Maybe he'll eventually come around. I know deep down he has some good in him.

To all of you that have a father that spends time with you, cherish it. A father that guides you through life, dusts you off after you scrape your elbow is invaluable. I could be sad, but I know that I have a Heavenly Father that loves me more than life itself, has saw every tear I've cried when my dad wasn't there. My Heavenly Father has been there for every important event in my life. Every doctor's appointment, awards ceremony, and physical therapy appointment. Man, I've got a busy life! :)

1 comment:

BK said...

I love your attitude! I bet that AWESOME grandfather of yours has taught you a thing or too, also!

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