Monday, April 06, 2009

Prayers for a Friend

One of my friends died this morning. She tried to commit suicide a few years ago over a boy, but it didn't kill her. She's had lots of health issues since then. She was all twisted. She couldn't talk, just moan when she hurt. Her mom was committed to taking care of her, so much so that she quit her job when everything happened. She also has a little brother.

Please keep this family in your prayers. It's going to require a big adjustment for them to get used to her not being there.


The Blonde Duck said...

What a terrible tragedy.

BK said...

I didn't realize yall were friends, was she in your grade? I worked with her mom's best friend when it happened, and it was awful. I can only imagine now. I will definitely be praying.

Megan said...

I am so sorry! That is so sad!

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