Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spring has Sprung

I know I haven't posted in a a couple of days, but it's not because I didn't want to. I thought, "There's only so many ways to say not much happened this weekend." So I figured I wouldn't bore you with another one of those posts.

Spring is in the air, and with that comes beautiful flowers, colorful tanks and capris...and class registration. What? You wanted me to continue thinking blissfully about the time ahead and bring you along for the ride? I'm sorry. I'm all about dreaming, yet keepin' it real. As of right now, class registration is part of me keepin' it real.

It signals that the seasons have changed. I know some of you are still experiencing the winter blues, but Spring will be there before you know it!

What's your favorite thing about Spring? I wanna know, I'm curious!


BK said...

It feels so weird to not be registering this year!

My favorite thing is the weather. So perfect!

Meg said...

My favorite thing about spring is gardening. I fill all my warm days with it. I start out by visiting all the nearby nurseries looking at all their gorgeous plants and picking out some to take home.

Ugh, I've got to register. Thinking of only one class though, especially since we'll have a newborn :) Thanks for reminding me.. I'd like to keep thinking blissfully too :)

Mrs. Realife said...

There's really not a way for me to explain it -- You'll have to read the directions, that's how I figured it out -- The best I can tell you is you have to edit it in your HTML, you don't add it like a gadget --

tam7777 said...

color I love the color of all things especially when you first see the flowers and fruit trees start to bloom

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