Thursday, December 11, 2008

Finally Finished...

this first semester! Woo hoo! Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. During the semester, I was required to keep another blog for one of my classes among other things, so that kept me away from this one for awhile. Thankfully, I have a nice long break.

I go back to the pain doctor on Tuesday. That appointment is so long, but I have to go. On a lighter note, I'm excited for Christmas. I'm going to share something that I wrote last year about Christmas when I was going through a very difficult time.

We all know that Christmas is a time to reflect on all the things we have, right? Well, I discovered something new this Christmas.

We all hear that it's not about the gifts, it's about the birth of Jesus. My question to you is : "Do you really believe that?" Think about it, If all the gifts were taken away, no Christmas tree in the living room, no family get-togethers, would you STILL enjoy Christmas?? You know what, we're supposed to still enjoy it. The media has commercialized Christmas so much that it's become one big money-making scheme for all the stores.

I realized more than ever this year that it's not about how many presents you have under the tree with your name on it or how much money you get, it's about the memories that you create during the holiday season by spending time with your family. It's about the stupid jokes that someone in your family tells that will make you laugh until you cry, it's about your little cousin, niece, or nephew getting up in front of the family and singing their favorite Christmas song (even if it's not in tune or they don't have all the words "just right." Life isn't about perfection, it's about enjoyment! Going back to what I said earlier, I already knew that Jesus' birth was the REAL reason to celebrate Christmas, but I didn't value or appreciate the "little things", if you will, that go along with Christmas. Sometimes everybody gets so caught up in buying gifts for people they love and getting the house decked out for Christmas that we all take for granted the memories that are created anytime we do anything with our family! This blog isn't just about "Christmas Memories", it's about the everyday memories that we create with our families.

1 comment:

BK said...

Thanks! He had a little help ;-)

Yall, have a Merry Christmas!

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