Tuesday, December 30, 2008

An Epiphany

When I started this blog, I thought it would be a good idea to share some thing that I written awhile back. I always love doing something that I think will benefit others, and I thought my words of advice could do just that.

Well, I've decided I'm not going to post any more of that letter for awhile. Don't worry, I'll post the rest of it a little later on. I believe I need to focus on the things happening in my life right now and go back to things that I've previously written when I need a boost.

Speaking of now, right now my life is pretty good. Yes, I have my share of difficulties, but who doesn't? Everyone may not experience physical pain, but he/she might experience some emotional pain. Pain is pain. While there are varying degrees of intensity, one still experiences raw emotions that come along with it. I find myself saying, "I'm so thankful for..." at different times during the week. I have a wonderful mom who tirelessly devotes herself to helping me while I recover. She doesn't mind that she has to get the wheelchair out of the car countless times when I go with her. She doesn't mind that she has to help me get out of bed and get dressed everyday. I'm so thankful for her, even though I do have my moments that I'm irritable and frustrated. Not many people could do what she does. She also helps me laugh when I'm in pain. When I'm at therapy, she will make jokes just to help me focus on something else.

I also have an awesome physical therapist(PT) who helps me to refocus when I lose sight of my goal. He also makes me laugh. We talk about all kinds of things while I'm exercising so I won't think about how many leg lifts I've done. He knows what I'm feeling just by an expression on my face(just like my mom, but he's not quite reached her level of expertise, but he's getting there). :)These two people have seen me laugh, and they've seen me cry, but they are still with me on this journey. For that, I'm so grateful.

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