As I Promised...

Part II: Making the Most Out of What You Have

I can’t stand people who complain everyday of their life. I 've found that you feel a lot better when you focus on the little kids who are dying of cancer or the ones who have no shelter. Do everyone a favor and at least act like your living for more than the latest fashions or newest haircut; make sure your life has some substance to it. I’ve learned that if you make the most out of what you have instead of going out and buying whatever it is that you think will move you up on the ladder of society, you are much more confident because you had to be creative!

Part III: Having Respect for Others

I’m only a teenager right now, but because of the things that I’ve been through, I have a greater respect for life as well as the people in it. For example, when you see a person in a wheelchair that needs to go inside, open the door for them. Don‘t let it slam in their face! Think about how you would feel if someone did that to you. So often, people get wrapped up in what they’re doing that they forget to stop and think about the world around them.

Part IV: Learning to Look at the World Differently

I guess you could say that the things that I’ve been through have shaped my life-in a good way. For example, I look at the world through a different set of eyes. I have compassion for the little baby with a cleft foot, and most people would look at that as something odd. My advice to that person would be: Don’t you think that you have things about yourself that aren’t “perfect,” like a funny shaped nose or a larger foot than some people?


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