Thursday, August 18, 2022

Swimming in Emotions

Joining the weekly prompt over at Mama Kat's Writing Workshop.

Swimming against the current. Utterly exhausted from trying to keep myself afloat. Grief and chaos are all around. When will peace break through these waters? How do I keep going? Putting one arm in front of the other, I feel the water. Something so fluid and free, but my mind is heavy, like an anchor trying to pull me down. Willing me to stay rooted in the pain of yesterday and all the days before. 

I can't give in. I won't give in. The minute I stop trying is the minute I am consumed. This is not how the story ends.  It's just a chapter. Like Dory in the movie "Nemo," I'll just keep swimming. I plunge myself into living. Feeling. Breathing. Moving. 

I will reach the other side of the bank by turning my pain into purpose. 

My Signature

1 comment:

KatBouska said...

I'm so sorry you are struggling! Plunging yourself into living is the best method even if you have to fake it until you make it. Keep swimming.

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