
Showing posts from January, 2014

Penning my Dreams

Originally  written on May 10, 2010. I wrote it and never posted. Some of my thoughts now are in bold. I've finished reading another book. While it wasn't specifically about dreams, it got me thinking. Sometimes in the midst of hardships, we lose sight of our dreams. I'm guilty of this too. Life becomes more about survival and less about living, but that's not God's best. God wants us to dream big. I thought I'd share a few of my dreams. I want to write a book someday. I'm working on this now! Not a self-help book or a book about fashion. A book about my life experiences to show people how I’ve managed to overcome the obstacles in my life, have a better attitude about life, being grateful for what I have instead of complaining about what I don’t, and focusing on others instead of myself. But, until the time is right, I'll just keep writing my stories and sharing my memories. I want a job doing what I love. I would love to write articl

The Sunshine Award

The Rules Acknowledge the nominating blogger (Thanks again,  Z achary !) Share 11 random facts about you. Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you. List 11 bloggers. They should be bloggers you believe deserve some recognition and a little blogging love! Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer and let all the bloggers know they’ve been nominated. You cannot nominate the blogger that nominated you. 11 Random Facts 1. I used to wonder what it'd be like to have a sister growing up. As I grew older, I wouldn't   trade my brother for the world! 2. I have painted and or stenciled borders on my bedroom walls many times. As of right now, three walls in my room are a sunny yellow with a deep purple accent wall. 3. I'm behind on reading the books I have saved on my Kindle. 4. Coming up with a magazine name that speaks to me and others haven't taken is harder than it seems. (The title I gave the magazine was just for sc

No High Heels, Please!

Several weeks ago, my podiatrist and surgeon agreed that I needed to get a brace (commonly referred to in the medical world as an AFO) to protect my right foot from fractures while I am waiting to have my next surgery. Yes, there will be surgery on my right foot in a few months. I'm not sure when. So, right before Christmas, we went to pick up the brace. It is pictured below.  My left leg is tad shorter than the right, so I have always worn a heel lift in my left shoe. Due to some misunderstanding, a lift was made and attached to the brace for my right foot. I can think of no other way to describe it other than wearing a high heel. I am about 5'9  in height, and I felt REALLY jacked up, literally! I stood for just a few seconds in the office, and knew there was absolutely no way I could wear this brace for walking at home. I only wore it for two hours, which was the length of the car ride home to prove my point to the orthotics people that I have very sensitive feet and am