Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Preparing for Battle

DISCLAIMER: Do not come off any medications without a doctor's supervision. I'm am working with my doctors to come off these slowly and as my body can tolerate the changes.

You may wonder what the meaning is behind this picture. Well, I'm in a battle. A battle that requires determination, faith, and courage. I'm preparing for the long haul. I've suited up in my armor: Prayer+faith=a victory.

I've reached a point in my pain management that it's time to come off the medicines. I'm blogging about this for my remembrance, but if it helps someone in the process, that's wonderful.

Today you see a picture of all of my medications. They're quite menacing aren't they? While they do help, they do come with side effects, which feel more like side kicks because they keep you down while your body is trying to adjust to the pain. In others words, sometimes pain meds have the opposite reaction after awhile because while some can significantly lower your pain, they can throw a wrench into the overall plan. It's a game of trial and error to see what works best for you. (I have been on both sides of things; I've been mostly healthy and I've been to the lowest of lows. I am in no way belittling those who have to take pain medications because I understand. Believe me.)

I will be posting my progress as I go along. This is the side of chronic pain you don't see in the commercials. I aim to tell the truth because when things are exposed, they lose their grip on you. They don't have any power anymore.

Current Progress:
  • Started coming off Lyrica on 12/17/10

  • Completely off Lyrica (2 different strengths) since 12/26/10

  • Been off 12mcg Fentanyl patch since 2/16/10
I'm only using the Lidoderm patches on occassion, and I hardly ever need nausea medicine anymore. I have 3 to to go, (out of 11 and countless other medicines that I had to give a try during this battle.) It's a mental adjustment as well as a physical one.


Meg said...

Bless you girl, good luck! You are strong and I know you can do it but I'm sure it'll be difficult for a while. I pray it will be fast for you though and the doctors will get it right for you.

BK said...

I'll be thinking about you!!!

Jillian said...

I will be praying for you!

tam7777 said...
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tam7777 said...

You are doing great. God's Grace is always sufficient to see you through.

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