Today we have Four Sisters Farm with us. You'll love their stories about chasing dogs, getting baby chicks, and might even see a superhero or two in the posts. Sit back as we learn about life on a farm! My comment is in italics.
1. What is a favorite memory you have at the farm?
We have only been out here for 1 1/2 years. Our adventure has been short but amazingly wild! I have so many sweet memories already. In particular, I will always treasure helping Pop and my "save the old barn." We needed to stabilize one of the walls. Neglect and weather contributed to it's condition. We had to literally lift the barn roof up with jacks and replace the wall. We weren't strong enough to move the wall into place by ourselves so we had to enlist the help of our trusty "Fordy" tractor. Stabilizing the old barn was a priority to Pop. The barn is special to him. He has a vision for what it will look like when it has been totally restored. We all held our breath as we released the jacks and allowed the weight of the roof to settle onto the wall. The barn made a sound I've never really heard before. Pop said, "and the old barn sighs in relief." We have yet to restore the barn. There are more pressing repairs on the property right now. We know that it's time will come. In the meantime, the barn looks pretty spiffy at night with the bright Christmas lights shinning from the roof line as well as illuminating a giant wreath that hangs right under her hay loft window.
2. What got you interested in blogging?
My main motivation had to do with keeping Pop and Grammy updated. They were still living in another state when they purchased Four Sister's Farm. We wanted to document the process of making the farm our own. It was a great way to share pictures and stories with them. It also helped keep us connected across all those miles.
3. What’s something that you do that could be considered creative?
I find cooking to be a creative outlet. I have also learned to do a little sewing in the last couple of years. I guess if I can't come up with a very creative answer that means I'm not very creative. Hee Hee. Now, if my oldest sister, DW, was answering this question the possibilities would be endless. She is always coming up with some martha stewarty project. Her home is darling and she is always dressed super cute. Not that the other women in my life aren't fantastic as well. I just think DW got an extra portion of the creative blessing.
4. If you had a magic wand, what’s one thing you would change? The sky’s the limit!
Oh my. That is a loaded question. I can think of many things I would change that would be superficial. I don't spend a lot of time wishing things were different. I try to enjoy each day that God brings my way. I recognize that even the difficult parts of life have helped me grow closer to Him. There are things I wish I could change for others. I hate to watch other people hurt. When a friend or family member is going through hardship, I want to fix it for them.
(I sure wouldn't mind a magic wand being waved over my body...you know the kind of wand that could make 50 pounds disappear. Then I could stop this ridiculously irritating diet. Ha!)
5. If you could be one movie character who would you be and why?
I've got nothing...I sure can't think of a movie character I would want to be. I just like this life.
6. Were you a rough and tumble tomboy growing up or a girly girl?
I was a healthy mix of both. I loved girly stuff but I also played softball for most of my growing up years. I'm kind of a sweet and salty sort of girl. I have a big heart but I also have a lot of fight when I need to.
7. If money were no object, where would you go and what would you do?
I would build a huge house and adopt more children! I would give tons of money to help all the orphaned and neglected children in our world. I would find loving families who have the desire to adopt but don't have the funds. I would give them the money and then require that they name their children after me. Ha! Just kidding! In reality, I would rejoice in helping to create stable loving families for little ones who need them.
8. What are some things that you do with your kids that they still talk about?
Bubba just reminded me that last year he saw a clown at the pumpkin patch and that scared him. Apparently all the fun we had that day was ruined by one stinkin' clown. What was a clown doing at the pumpkin patch anyway. I should have knocked him out for scaring my baby.
9. If your life was a TV show, who would you want to play you?
Bonnie Hunt. I loved her performance in cheaper by the dozen. She is just so lovable. (I liked her in that movie too!)
10. Favorite quote?
Hmmm...I have a lot of scriptures that come to mind. However, as far as funny quotes go..."You're killin' me smalls" from the Sandlot.
Hope you enjoyed getting to know these ladies better! Do you know of a blog that should be featured? Email me! *Lest you think I'm superwoman, I did this post ahead of time. I would really appreciate your prayers. Being praying that I will rest good and that each day I'm less sore.*
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