My physical therapist is on vacation, so that means I don't have to go. I still have to do the exercises though, but it's nice to have a break from going to the same place twice a week. I had a pretty painful weekend. I listened to some music so I wouldn't think about about the pain.
I'm going to my pain management doctor tomorrow. We're going to stop at a smoothie place on the way back. Gotta have some fun, right?!
ETA: Here's the latest pics of the puppies(yes, they're mixed). She was put up like we always do but a stray dog got in there somehow. We just made the best of the situation. They're getting ready to go bye bye. This is just for you Duckie. :)

Aren't they cute?
Hooray for a bit of a vacay from PT! And oh how I love smoothies!
No pictures of the puppies?!?!
I figured you were talking about the puppies. :)
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