tough with "P.") These are in no particular order. (I'm sorry that it took awhile to post this, but I had to get permission to use these fabulous photos.) Hope it's worth the wait!
1. Purses I think this one is self-explanatory.
Click the picture to go to viecouture to see more of her website.
2. People I love being around people, especially the ones who can make me laugh
3. Papa He is a softy even though he would never admit it. He loves to play jokes on people.
4. Precious My dog.
5. Peaches I LOVE to eat these in the summer time. The little place that my grandparents get them
from is the best!
6. Painted nails Even though I don't paint them very often. I have to be in the mood to it.
7. The color Purple
This picture is such a unique picture that perfectly represents my love of purple. I searched through many pictures with purple as the focus, but this is the one that caught my eye. I think it's because it wasn't just a purple flower or pencil, it was a photo of something that has many facets and makes you look twice.
Taken by: Fractal Artist
8. Playing with little kids They're so innocent and full of life. They don't have a care in the world. Ahh, to be young and free, letting the wind blow through my hair. My biggest concern in elementary school was what I was going to do at recess. This was before I got to the fifth grade and realized recess was over. Life was so much simpler then.
(Taken by Soffia Gisladottir)
9. Photography Even though I'm not very good (yet), I love look at photos that other people have taken. You can learn so much about a person that way. I also love that photos capture memories. Even if that person in the photo is no longer here, you can go back and look at he photo. It takes you back to that time. I love looking at pictures from when my Mom was younger. We always have some good laughs(especially when we pull out MY baby pictures!)
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You did good on this one. The photos are great.
I enjoyed this post!!! How neat!!!
I love privo shoes!!!
give me a letter let me see what I love in a letter
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