Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Life happens...and Some People Wanna Know about It

I've just completed the first test of the semester in my history class. I feel good! (Name that song.) I studied a lot, and I only think I missed a few questions. The semester has been good so far. I did pretty well on another test last week that counted a LOT towards my grade. He decided we didn\'t have to to quizzes if everyone kept up with the reading, and to my surprise, everyone's be reading(for the most part). I kind of miss having the quizzes as a cushion to fall back on if needed. That's how it is in life, you don't anticipate needing something to fall back on, but you take comfort in thr fact that it's there.

In other news, I'm going to the doctor about my ear. I've been having problems with it for awhile now. I know ithas fluid, but the meds haven't helped. This week has been a tough week for me physically, but after a much needed pep talk and a good dose of honesty, I've decided that this pain isn't going to rule my life. It's a slow process since I was down for so long, but eventually, I'll be back and better than ever!

I met someone new where I got to PT. It's funny, though. Everyone wants to get in on OUR conversations. We don't ask, they just wander over at different times. I know what you're thinking, "Oh, she's the loudest one in the room, always wanting attention." Those of you who know me know that couldn't be further from the truth. No, I'm discret, I only talk so the people in my room can hear me. Some stuff that we talk about isn't meant to be heard by others.

Anyway, this one guy said, "Y'all have some of the most interesting conversations." I said," I didn't know anyone could hear me." He said, I just hear bits and pieces when I walk by. Me and Mama had a little laugh about that when he left. What he said got me thinking, though.

I wonder what other people think just by hearing my conversations. Sure, I guess some people think I'm interesting, but I never would've thought someone in that place would have wondered what WE were talking about. What, with all the patients that come in and out, ranging from old ladies who read magazines, a man who has an artificial limb who has so much determination to learn how to kick a ball again? Or what about the college basketball player? I guess it just proves that some people do think you have something worth saying. The people who tear you down with their hurtful, demeaning words? Forget about 'em. One day they'll realize you were worth having in their life.

*Edited to add: I went to a specialist, and he said there was nothing seriously wrong with my ear-just that my eustachian tube is inflammed. He said things with the ear just take time. Thank goodness I haven't lost any of my hearing.

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