In the fog, I see breakthrough
As the rainbow appears, I am reminded of The Promise
I am reminded of the I AM
Perfectly imperfect life
Perfectly imperfect people
The Promise never wavers
I cling to the promise that You are near
You will not leave me in this haze of confusion and despair
It may be for a moment
Or for a season
But I promise you won’t stay here
It is working in you a far greater good
More than attitudes and thoughts
I promise to make you more
This fire is meant to refine you
Mold you, transform you
Remake who you thought you were
I promised you a hope and a future
Don’t ever forget—
I am holding you
In your darkest hour
When you question why things are the way they are
I promise I am there
Hearing every word uttered from your mouth
The cries that ache from the depth of your being
I promise it is not wasted
Nothing is in vain
Keep forging ahead
Don’t draw back
For in the Promise you find safety
In the Promise you find strength
It might seem like you have been tossed from the boat
Into the unknown, past your comfort zone
I promise in that place there is growth
And unending joy
That place is underneath your feet
Every step - although painful - is one step closer to victory
Trust the process. Believe the promise!

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