Monday, January 02, 2012

New Things on the Horizon

I'm excited to share with everyone that I'm the newest intern at Athena Magazine for Girls!  This magazine was founded in 2007 and seeks to inspire young women around the world through articles about current events, music, clothing, etc.  the internship is fully online, which is a blessing to me. 

I will be the current events writer in a team of talented and creative women. Over the next few months. I know I will be challenged, but I'm excited  for what's ahead! 

Click this link (link has been removed because the website no longer exists)to subscribe to the magazine.  It's free!  We are in the process of planning the February issue, so be sure to tell all your friends, nieces, and young women in your life. 

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Congratulations! I'm sure you will have lots of fun and make lots of connections :) Happy New Year!

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