21 Wishes

With each birthday comes a time to reflect on the past and anticipate the future. As my mom said, "Make a wish!," Eli and I simultaneously broke out in a fit of laughter. It was a priceless moment.

In honor of my 21st birthday, I thought I'd list 21 wishes. I didn't want to do a 'traditional' birthday post. I guess you could call this my bucket list. Some of these things are just for fun. :)

1. Enjoy this next year no matter what comes my way.

2. Take more opportunities to thank my family "just because".

3. Go to Spain.

4. Learn how to use Photoshop.

5. Learn calligraphy one day.

6. Meet Denise Hildreth. She's one of my favorite authors.

7. Write a book.

8. Go back in time to the visit those beautiful, old libraries to learn how people lived, what they did for fun, etc. I like to look at people's handwriting, too because every person's is different.

9. Be able to do more in physical therapy.

10. Be able to sit up more during the day. This is getting better, but it's taking time.

11. Encourage kids with disabilities to never give up.

12. See how a popular magazine like Vouge or Seventeen magazine is designed (I think it would be cool to see it go from the rough draft to the final version!).

13. Donate hair to Locks of Love more often. I've done it before, but I want to do it again.

14. Design stylish shoes for kids and adults that have to wear orthotics or heel lifts.

15. Visit Switzerland.

16. Give journals and pens (and crayons for the younger kids) who are in the hospital to encourage creativity inspite of their not-so-fun situation.

17. Graduate college

18. Get married

19. Go on a mission trip.

20. Find opportunities to give to others in meaningful ways. Encouraging words, handmade gifts, etc.

21. Learn to slow down and enjoy life! I'm working on this one right now by watching Christmas movies. :)

My brother and I had an awesome birthday! We kept it simple and celebrated with family. What would be on your bucket list?


Barbara said…
You have a twin!!? That's awesome. Happy 21st to the both of you! What a great list of to-dos. I think you'd really enjoy Photoshop. You can create some really fun stuff with that program.

I've always wanted to visit Egypt, I'd also like to write a book, and I'd love to go on a cruise with my daughter.

Hope you have a wonderful birthday.
The Blonde Duck said…
Happy birthday!

I have so much I want to do...

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