Thursday, May 28, 2009

Physical Therapy Stops for Nothing, Not Even Summer

Even though I don't have anything exciting to write about today, I'm still going to write. Why? Because this is my life and I'm not always going places or doing things.

Therapy has been very long and painful this week. I've reached a personal milestone these past few months, but I don't want everyone to know. I will post about it when the time is right, don't worry. :) As soon as therapy ends, I let my seat back to help my back. I've been icing my hips and back this week. All I feel like doing is coming home and going to sleep, but I'm usually to wired up to sleep.

It is summer, but that doesn't mean physical therapy stops. I still have to get up around 8:00-8:30 to get to my appointment on time. Once I get there, it's time to work. Physical therapy is a process. You won't notice changes right away, but you have to be motivated to keep going.
I will be the first to tell you that it's not always easy, but it's always worth it. My mama said when I meet my goal that we're going to have a celebration. I wholeheartedly agree!

*When I say that physical therapy doesn't stop in the summer, I don't mean that physical therapists are like drill sergeants that make you do the exercises, they're there to guide you. Sometimes my physical therapist has an emergency, so I can only come one time instead of two. That's not the end of the world, but for you to reap the benefits of physical therapy, you have to show up. You can't make excuses two or three weeks in a row. You do have that choice, but it will only hurt you in the end.


The Blonde Duck said...

A tornado coming straight at you? Yikes!

I hope your therapy gets easier. :(

BK said...

Hang in there! I continue to admire your strength!

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

Thanks for letting me know about my blog. I just put a post up. It isn't working with browsers using an older version of Internet Explorer but will load fine if you start using Firefox.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Glad they were able to help out with the handles.

tam7777 said...

this did not seem that funny at the time we were doing this but to read your blog --well let's just say it was verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry funny. Love your MOM

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