
Showing posts from March, 2016

In Competition with Myself

I'm doing much better physically and mentally. It doesn't matter about the small stuff. I am looking at the big picture. I am not always going to be in a wheelchair. I am stretching myself a little bit more each week. I am making progress.  If you aren't seeing results, stop. Just stop for a minute. Quiet your thoughts. Look around. Are you closer to your goal than you were a month ago? If the answer is yes, that means something. Michelangelo didn't paint the Sistine Chapel in a day. It took time to complete the task. Instead of saying, "I wish I could run _____ of miles, or do ______ amount of sit ups..." Focus on what you are doing. Doing a little bit of something is better than a whole lot of nothing. My Granny told me that every movement I make is something. I've tried to remember that. I am reminding myself of that today. Every few steps that I make are getting me closer to my goal. Every step I take is making me stronger. Sure, I can&