Best Insoles Sale!

I love sharing good things! A few months ago, I made my first purchase from Best Insoles, a fabulous website that carries insoles for different shoes among other things. Since I have a leg length discrepancy, I have to wear a heel lift in my one of my shoes. With all of my foot pain, I decided to go ahead and get a new one just to be safe. It is SO much smaller than the one I got from the guy who made my last pair of AFOs. Now I won't be so stressed when looking for shoes.

The best part is they're having a sale! They don't have a clue who I am, but I wanted to share the code with everyone I got in my email. Use the code SPORT10 for 10 percent off! They have insoles for men and women as well as things for orthopedic shoes and those who suffer from plantar fasciitis.


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